Saturday, 19 April 2008

Hi, everybody!

Welcome, this is my blog in English.

Why do I write the separate blog in English? Under globalization, everyone have to prepare for exchange view with people from other countries. English is the common language for most of internet users. That is why I start to write blog in English.

On the other hand, I should try to express myself in English because I am British Citizen. To keep writing and thinking English is important for keeping Britishness for British National in Hong Kong. I encourage every British National (include British National (Overseas)) to write blog in English.

Although I am the product of British colonial education, my written English is not good as Chinese. So, you may find so many spelling and grammatical mistakes in this blog. If you find any, please leave comment. I try to improve the quality of this blog.


路人癸 said...

...everyone have to prepare for exchange view with people from other countries.

The word "everyone" is singular, so you should use "has" instead of "have". "To prepare for" must be followed by a noun, not a to-infinitive. During an exchange, there are typically multiple views. Therefore I would rewrite this sentence thus:

...everyone has to prepare to exchange views with people from other countries.

黃世澤 Martin Oei said...

Thank for 路人癸

Hugh said...

hi there,
Martin...u said u're british citizen? too, but please stop write like a F.5/F.7 student who's writin' for the public exam...hv some stylish writin' dun criticise my's commmon in here. dude

黃世澤 Martin Oei said...

To Justin,

My British Citizenship comes from British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997 due to my de facto stateless status. Under Chinese law, I am member of ethnic minority (Indonesian) and no rights to claim Chinese nationality. This is a long story. I will tell my story in here if I have time.

I am not writing like the style for public examination. This is common problem of Singaporean/Indonesian English. You hardly find the grammatical mistake, but the style is so boring.